Nov 11, 2012

task # 3

mapping the trees of Gezi Park

this task aims to acknowledge the trees as commons, create an image of the trees with their unique characteristics, such as their individual shadows, the space created below their branches and among their trunks, their leaves, and their different colors.

- locate the different types of trees on a map
- take a photo of the tree with a scale (you can take the photo with a friend or yourself in the frame)
- draw the silhouette of the tree
- collect its leaves
- prepare an ID card for each tree
- collect all information on a collaborative map

Oct 31, 2012

task #2

mapping Taksim Square

The square has been represented in traditional maps as, for example, the crossroads of transportation and touristic attraction. But neither of these are able to reveal the everyday spatial practices and accordingly the variety of meanings attached to this place by different users at different times. The exercise is aimed for observing and documenting the everyday uses of the square. Each mapping will challenge both the observer’s position and the fixed knowledges of this place.  

Pay attention to:
- urban systems, visible and invisible structures, particular urban configurations
- processes, uses, events, temporalities
- histories, stakeholders

Oct 14, 2012

becoming Istanbul

Becoming Istanbul 
Here is the link of an interactive Istanbul map made by SALT (a platform of art, knowledge and culture based in Istanbul. ).
It shows the relations between different aspects of today Istanbul society, and also some interesting initiatives and projects.

Sep 29, 2012

task #1

Haus-Rucker-Co., 1968
Urban recorder
    -Observe your site, note down what you perceive & experience (physiological, psychological, through different senses, while moving) - - -  Bring it on the 2nd September (A4/film/...)
    -Design a recording device, and produce diagrams and collages to show your desired perception of a site - - - Bring 1 or 2 A4s with your diagrams and collages & any material to build up your device on the 2nd September
    -Make a recording device to observe and document your site
-    How is your device going to be shaped by your understanding of the site? Submission: 9 October 2012
    -How is your perception of the site changed by your device?
    -How do your recordings differ according to time and other external factors?
    -Record your perception of the site through diagrams, collages, films, …
    -Upload a photo, your recordings, and diagrams to the blog  until 24.00, 9 October 2012

Sep 25, 2012

topographical practices* starts
25 September 2012,
room no. 311